A coil with a capacitor across it is called a tank and is tuned to a certain frequency. Armstrong fed the signal from such coil into the grid of a triode to amplify it. He discovered that by feeding some of the amplified signal back into the grid, regeneration occurred, making the signal even loader. His invention got a worldwide recognition and this was called the REGENERATIVE RADIO OR REGEN for short.
3/1/20 Hi tube enthusiasts interested in RF with tubes. A brief: -Edison invented the light bulb. -Fleming of UK imported Edison's bulbs. -Fleming played with a bulb and placed a second element inside. -Using batteries, he discovered electrons moved inside the bulb. Eureka! The DIODE! -Back in the U.S.A., a third element was discovered to control the flow of huge electrons with TINY currents. EUREKA! THE TRIODE. It was originally called the AUDION. So, it is CATHODE,GRID,PLATE. -Electrons moved fast inside the tube, i.e. at high voltage, 45 volts upwards. Armstrong, American, was first to experiment RF in a tube. He used the basic t riode as an RF amplifier. He invented the REGENERATIVE RECEIVER.
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